Image by davidking via Flickr
All over the world many people suffer from hair loss & it seems a great problem among most of them. A lot of early aged people start losing their hair. It might be pathetic if a youngster starts losing his hair. Life can become measurable for him. For him style will become a dream.Regaining hair might be very difficult for anyone. Though there are many ways to start the treatment. Most of the treatments are artificial and among them only a few are natural processes for attaining hair back again. If you are also interested in retaining hair to cover the bald spots, you must be conscious and be very careful about yourself. Personal care is an important issue for everyone.
Hair removal creams and implanting processes are available in the hair treatment centers. But, they always have side effects. That's why choosing a natural process is always risk free and even it is slow, it is effective. Iron intake and exercising is very helpful if you are looking for retaining hair once again on the bald spots.
Dr. Shupack explains that hair-thickening shampoos increase the hair shaft size by using ingredients such as collagen, which temporarily adhere to the hair shaft. There is some products shampoos and conditioners, such as Thicker, Fuller Hair Shampoo and Progaine 2-in-1 Shampoo/Conditioner, these can help anyone. Dr. Baden says. "Some products may make your hair look better, but they are not going to have any effect on retaining hair or producing growth of hair."
Protein is a very important thing for hair & fatty acid is also needed for hair health. It might be risky for those people who are on low-fat and non-fat diets. Fatty acid deficiency can cause drying-up of the scalp and skin. So, high protein diet can be helpful for stopping hair loss. And steps discussed above can help to retain hair in bald head. You should be taking these proteins through your dinner specifically as after dinner your body has some rest which is the best time for hair regeneration.