Friday, July 31, 2009

How To Remove Mold From Walls

Mold is troublesome and horrid. It can grow in the most obvious of places like your walls. Being that your walls cover a significant portion of your home, you will want to rid of that mold as soon as possible. The first thing people see when they enter your home is your walls, and it can be quite awful if the walls are covered in unsightly mold. Not only is it embarrassing, but also it ruins the whole image of your home.

Moisture buildup in the air is one of the most common causes of mold. When it grows on walls, it is not easy to get rid of it, but not very impossible. With a bit of skill and patience you can get your walls looking good again. Be patient and careful to avoid scraping your walls and causing damage that is unnecessary. There are a few things you need to do to get rid of mold on your walls. This can be a do-it- yourself job, which can be done without the help of a professional.

There are a few things you need to do in order to rid of mold on walls for good. You can do this simple do-it-yourself job without calling a professional.

The first step is to mix a solution of bleach, laundry detergent, and hot water. If you do not fancy doing that, you can go to a hardware store and purchase a premixed mildewcide to take care of the problem; however utilizing ingredients you already have in your home is far more cost effective and easier to do.

Next, use a plastic sponge, dip it into the solution, and begin scrubbing the walls that have mold on them. Start from the base of the wall, and work your way up. Continue scrubbing until the mold has dissolved, and repeat this procedure on every wall in your home that has mold on it, using as much of the solution that you need.

Lastly, you have to think of a way to prevent mold from coming back in the future. The best way to prevent mold on your walls is to buy paint that has anti-mildew additives. If you have not heard of this type of paint before, you can just go to your local hardware store and ask for it. Paint your walls with this special paint, and the mold will not return.

Getting rid of the mildew is easy, now make sure it stays away so that you can maintain a clean and healthy household for now and for the future.

Removing mold from walls is possible if you know how. Read our comprehensive free mold removal guide.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Do You Know What Teeth Whitening To Use For Different Teeth Stains

Teeth whitening regime is the most popular health regime amongst men in their 30s.It has gained a huge popularity in past three decades. It is required by people, who have greatly stained teeth. The stains can be caused due to many reasons.

Age: Aging is one of the major causes stained teeth. There is a direct correlation between tooth color and age. Over the years, teeth darken as a result of wear and tear and stain accumulation. Teenagers will likely experience immediate, dramatic results from whitening.

Age: There is a direct correlation between tooth color and age. Over the years, teeth darken as a result of wear and tear and stain accumulation. Teenagers will likely experience immediate, dramatic results from whitening.

Eating habits: The habitual consumption of red wine, coffee, tea, cola, carrots, oranges and other deeply-colored beverages and foods causes considerable staining over the years. In addition, acidic foods such as citrus fruits and vinegar contribute to enamel erosion.

Eating habits: The habitual consumption of red wine, coffee, tea, cola, carrots, oranges and other deeply-colored beverages and foods causes considerable staining over the years. In addition, acidic foods such as citrus fruits and vinegar contribute to enamel erosion.

Smoking habits: Nicotine leaves brownish deposits which slowly soak into the tooth structure and cause intrinsic discoloration.

Teeth whitening can be achieved by different methods the most effective ones are mention in this list:

In-Office Whitening

Significant color change in a short period of time is the major benefit of in-office whitening. This protocol involves the carefully controlled use of a relatively high-concentration peroxide gel, applied to the teeth by the dentist or trained technician after the gums have been protected with a paint-on rubber dam.

Professionally Dispensed Take-Home Whitening Kits

Many dentists are of the opinion that professionally dispensed take-home whitening kits can produce the best results over the long haul. Take-home kits incorporate an easy-to-use lower-concentration peroxide gel that remains on the teeth for an hour or longer. Home teeth whitening kits like Dazzling White Teeth is the best teeth whitening gel and works fabulously with Bright Smile Teeth Whitening Strip.

Go there now Teeth whitening

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Your Child and Antibiotics

Some children see doctors for every sniffle and cough yet are never really well. Have you ever wondered why that is?

Simply put, medications are suppressants that dull symptoms without getting to the root cause of a problem. They also compromise the body's ability to digest foods and ward off the next illness or infection because the intestinal flora is also destroyed, the good body bacteria.

These small children begin to see life as a series of doctors visits; and more than that, they will never get entirely well. Intermittently they will be well enough until the next round of sniffles comes and off they will be rushed to the doctor. Their reality will be a life of sore throats, runny noses, diarrhea that goes into constipation, inability to enjoy food, allergies, headaches, lethargy, apathy, maybe early onset arthritis, and the list goes on. What is the answer?

Colds and Flu are a message to take a break, even for children. And quite frankly, children today have a lot of pressure. Medications only suppress symptoms, they do not cure. Medication does not get to the root of illness; it simply puts a band aid on an ever deepening wound. On occasion, medicines are needed but not for every cough and sniffle. Break out the homeopathic remedies, vitamin C, fresh fruit juices and herbal teas. Unless you have a very ill child, a cold or flu will not kill that child. Have faith in the healing intelligence of the body.

I've raised three children, and it is a tough call between letting a fever break or calling the doctor; however, a fever is how the body burns out infection. That is part of its Internal and Higher Intelligence. When parents study the healing capabilities of the body and support that function, they will weather the tide of simple colds and influenzas much better equipped.

No one but a parent can make the decision between getting to an ER or letting a fever burn itself out; however, vigilance and conscious care should alert when enough is enough in the natural healing arena.

Rest is imperative, and if I can go on record, even from computers and televisions at close range. Those transmissions at close range are detrimental to the immune system. Fresh, hand squeezed, or organic bottled juices are the best thing for sick children. Vitamin C, maybe Ginger, Chamomile or Dandelion & Echinacea tea with stevia or honey will soothe and assist the body to do its job. Sometimes recurring symptoms are a cry for love and attention so give it when a child is sick and again when they are well.

Fresh herbal oils and castor oil packs are soothing remedies for sick bodies. In case you feel the trip to the doctor's office is imperative and in case of a fever, try to get the fever down before you sit in a waiting room, quite possibly for a couple of hours. Your tub with cool water is only steps away. Having covered some warm and cozy alternatives to the habitual running to a doctors office, let us go back to reminders why we want to have the courage to teach children how great their body is designed.

Fortify your home today, before illness appears. Make it an arsenal, so to speak, of healthy feel good remedies that strengthen the body's immune defenses: Echinacea, goldenseal, dandelion, vitamin C (always) herbal teas for children, tuck away organic bottled juice (if you don't juice yourself) and make homemade soups. Help your child feel their own inner strength and realize the healing capabilities of their body early in life. They will have a healthy intestinal tract and good digestion. They will grow to confident adults because they sense the power within them.

Every child is different. Some have more energy, others inquisitive, creative, inventive; yet some children are ill. Those that come in with a low mineral bank account need support with enzymes and fresh raw foods. They may require some medication to have a degree of pleasure with life but take extra measures to find healthy alternatives while continuing with medication. Look for natural healing measures for the ailment, whatever it might be.

As every child is unique, every instance is different. If you have a child that needs medications to stay alive then make sure they get probiotics, vitamins and minerals. So often it is the letting go of harmful habits which make the biggest difference. Help your child stay addiction free from: sugars, soda, and simple carbohydrates with no nutritional value, like chips, fries, etc. Remember that everything in nature is colorful, not white. Anything white is dead. So throw out all your white sugars, flours, breads. You'll feel great about it! And, you'll raise a family of champions.

I am a Nutritionist and Naturopath but I have taken my children and myself to the doctor, only when necessary and not that often. Being balanced is the key. Doctors are necessary and so is thoughtful self care.

Ellen Valentine is a mother and grandmother, nutritionist and naturopath of over thirty years. Organic Baby Bedding Builds the Next Healthy Generation and A Green Earth

The Simple Truth About Detoxification

A detoxification or detox diet is the oldest medical therapies on Earth that entails the natural procedure of neutralizing toxins from your body. Toxins and additional unnecessary substances are changed to harmless compounds and sent out from your body in the form of urine and stools. A detoxification diet calls for your dietary and lifestyle alterations that include avoidance of bad things like alcohol, tobacco, drugs, rich and fatty foods, refined foods and so much more.

A simple detox diet is a diet that involves consuming fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains that are high in fiber and other organic foods. Throughout the duration of diet, you are additionally forbidden from eating bread, baked goods, pasta, meat or dairy products and nuts. The detox diet aids to boost the amount of water and fiber in your body that promotes cleansing of the colon and the remainder of the digestive tract.

Detox diet helps you to clear symptoms, treat illness and avoid later issues, though some utilize this for spiritual renewal, to feel as if they're more alive, and alert. It inspires a lifestyle free from abuses as well as addictions like alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. Oftentimes body energies are boosted using a detox diet thereby, rendering an individual much more flexible to change both internally and externally.

If you want to detoxify just one time annually, the best period is throughout spring or autumn season. The worst time in detox program is the first two days where you may feel symptoms like headaches, weariness, temper, mucus congestion and different body pains. Nevertheless, as said by medical professionals any person could maintain a normal work schedule throughout the detoxification diet.

The greatest day during a week for the detox program is a Friday as you're expected to relax the following days. That helps you to feel more relaxed and free from stress of work environment or to chemical exposures. It is also best to do detox diet on this day because you may avoid the enticement of straying away from this diet and stay with individuals who will back your choice.

A person's way of life influences the frequency of detoxification needed by the body. The most common symptoms of toxicity are head ache, over weariness, aching of the back, stomach complaints, allergies, and sensitivity to chemicals, perfumes and synthetics. However before undergoing detoxification it is essential to talk to the physician to decide the real cause of these issues.

Detoxification program is additionally an effective way to treat obesity as it nearly always is related to toxicity and losing weight means reducing body fats as well as getting rid of poisons within your system. But, you have to be extremely careful because you might additionally drop needed nutrients in your body but physical exercise would make for better weight loss as well as detoxification. Also, detox not only involves the excretion of unwanted items in the body but spiritual replenishment too.

Never before has Detoxification been this quick and easy! Grab all the inside information while there's still time at the Natural Colon Cleansing Foods website.

Monday, July 27, 2009

How To Get Rid Of Lines On Your Forehead

It's actually very easy to get rid of the lines on ones forehead, but first you need to understand what causes them.

Sitting in the Sun getting that "healthy" Tan. Many people will spend hours under the Sun getting that beautiful looking Tan, but what is a Tan? It's when the pigment of your skin changes color in a futile attempt to stop or reduce the damage being done to your skin by the Sun.

Using Sunscreen every time you go into the Sun not only protects your skin, but will reduce or even prevent the lines on your forehead.

Stress will also produce lines on your forehead. Reducing your stress level will reduce the lines. This can be a difficult call during these uncertain times, but remember being stressed out won't change anything. Except if you're not stressed out you will feel better and reduce those lines on the forehead.

Most of us eat too many fast food meals in any given week and a healthier diet (including omega 3 rich fish oil) will no question give you healthier more beautiful skin. Often simply increasing the amount of pure fresh water you drink helps a great deal.

Put these basic changes into action and you will see positive results, but in the modern world we must adapt to the situations we find ourselves in and many times that prevents us from living the best lifestyle. This is the number one reason anti-aging creams have become so popular.

They make your skin glow with radiance, it can shine with the energy of youth again! A simple application one in the morning, one at night and voila. Skin care product producers don't tell you everything.

What makes the best anti-aging, wrinkle fighting creams and lotions?

What really works are products that contain the following:
  • CoQ1
  • Cynergy TK
  • Phytessence Wakame (Japanese Kelp)
at the right levels.

Oh the label might say CoQ10, Cynergy TK, and Phytessence Wakame, but the amount is very small. Usually just enough to allow inclusion on the label.

It won't work and the manufacturers know it won't work. They also know you will discover that it doesn't work.

To prevent that they add harsh chemicals to their formula that in the short term will produce results. Ingredients like:
  • dioxane
  • fragrances
  • parabens like methyl, propyl, butyl, and ethyl, alcohols
If the product you use works read the label and check for the bad ingredients.

Large corporate manufacturers are in business for one thing and one thing only -- Profit! That profit comes from you. By the time you are stricken with a disease, a nasty allergic reaction, or a chronic illness, it could be very difficult to prove the cause was your skin care product. Look how long the tobacco industry was able to deflect any responsibility for their products.

There are many quick solutions to getting rid of lines on forehead. Not risking your health should be a major part of that program. Anything you put on your skin has the chance to be absorbed and if it is absorbed it's in your system. Good and Bad!

Our recommendation is -- stay off the Botox bandwagon and go for products that promote your body's own collagen production. It will keep you looking good for a much longer time.

It may take you a bit longer to get there going the safe natural route, but injecting a chemical cocktail or massaging dangerous elements into skin will eventually harm you.

Yes there are products we recommend-- all natural, totally safe to use and at a reasonable cost.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Berries Are Not Just Show Pieces

The predictability of ubiquitous raisins can be replaced by cranberries in cakes or muffins. It is well known that fresh strawberries are high in Vitamin C. Besides this there are various other berry types! Numerous types are edible, from blue-staining blueberries (that are blue-purple in colour) to raspberries, cranberries, mulberries and other juicy sweet berries.

Not all berries are sweet, some are harmful and fatal. Whenever anyone is in the wild and comes across wild berries, mushrooms and other unknown varieties it is worth not even trying them for taste. The knowledge of what is poisonous is helpful before taking a wild trial and trying out the foods we assume are safe. Generally mushrooms look appealing, they are a fungus and can be dangerous.

Small button mushrooms are most common in stores and safe. All mushrooms are mostly moisture, while Shitake mushrooms are known to be very health supporting. For a nutritious snake we can rely on berries, which also supply various levels of protective antioxidants. We wish to reduce our rate of ageing and ward away the development of disease and we have blueberries to indulge in to assist us to do that. Then therapeutically for urinary tract infections we have cranberries. Tendency to kidney stones is reduced by taking cranberry juice. It is known that medications for urinary and bladder problems can incorporate cranberries.

Various medical studies display the potency of cranberry juice to protect against some forms of kidney stones. Do not neglect the beneficial blueberries that have also been shown to effectively protect and treat urinary tract infections. These blueberries and cranberries prevent the harmful bacteria from latching onto the urinary walls. Consequently the harmful bacteria are unsupported to create a flourishing family to grow and cause ill health. In certain countries berries tend to grow and are more popular and available. Access to fresh berries at our nearby grocery stores is not general but rather to frozen and canned berries. Being fragile, berries are not suitable for mass transport and storage in fresh form.

The mulberry tree provides the mulberry fruit, the mulberries not only feed us but the leaves of that tree feed silk worms. Using berries to make juice is an age old practice and we can always find berry flavoured juices or concentrated berry juices.

It is known that bakery products of pies and tarts often include berry ingredients. Often we have the cherries on ice-cream or cakes. Another decorative piece that is nutritious and a colourful appeal! Usually preserved, red cherries are available in packages in grocery stores. Valuable iron levels are in loganberries, blackberries, black currents and raspberries. The gooseberries may be more common and have a yellow tinge. Vitamin E levels in useful levels are found in the blackberries!

Generally berries are high in fibre, minerals and vitamins relative to various other fruits. Berries may be minor juicy fragile ball-like fruits, yet they pack a punch for nutritional health.

Anastacia Sampson is a Nutritional Medicine Practitioner and freelance journalist, and lives in East London in South Africa. It is through consulting and advising the public on nutritional information that her health book has been published. Anastacia Sampson also runs a website, Healthy Living.

Friday, July 10, 2009


People who take frequent holidays are less likely to be depressed, tense or tired. They tend to be more satisfied with their marriages and report being more productive when returning to work after having time off, and have a reduced risk of heart disease. So... stop thinking of a holiday as a luxury and start thinking of it as a habit vital to your health and happiness!

Take Healing Baths

Warm to medium hot baths are the most soothing as they help relax tense muscles and calm fragile nerves while warming the body. A hot bath always helps if you feel a cold coming on or you're feverish. Add 10 drops of eucalyptus oil to the water and then you can lie back and breathe in the aromatic, antiseptic goodness which will help to clear your nose, throat and chest.

If you're feeling down and out dissolve two tablespoons of Epsom salts in hot running water and massage yourself lightly with a loofah while relaxing in the bath. If you suffer from tight, itchy skin then add a cup of bicarbonate of soda mixed with two tablespoons of olive oil to your bath. Your skin will feel so relaxed and comfortable afterwards.

Not only does a sprinkle of mustard warm you up on a chilly night, it soothes aching cold legs and helps to draw tiring toxins out. Fill your bath up to calf height and add three tablespoons of English mustard powder and mix into the water. Now sit on the edge of the bath and soak your legs and feet for approximately 15 minutes. Your circulation will be stimulated and you'll feel remarkably relaxed with a warm sensation moving up through your body.

How To Get Rid Of Swollen, Puffy Eyes

If you are one of those people that are prone to getting swollen, puffy eyes, simply try sleeping with an extra pillow. This can help fluids building up around the eye area. Puffiness can also be avoided by cutting down on salt which also helps prevent water retention which leads to puffiness, and of course drinking lots of water will certainly help.

If it's too late for prevention, then a combination of massage, cooling and make-up will work wonders. Use your ring finger to gently massage the eye area for about three minutes. Start above the eyebrow, circle round the outside of the eye, then down into the eye area just above your cheekbone and up along the nose. Using your ring finger again, gently tap the puffy area below the eyes for about another minute. Cooling your puffy eyes will help even more. If you already have a gel mask in the freezer, that's perfect. Cool the area for 5 - 10 minutes. Heavy eye make-up on puffy eyes only makes them look smaller so try using mascara only to open up your peepers.

Get A Taste Of These Immune-Boosting Spices

1 cup red lentils, well rinsed
½ tsp each turmeric and sea salt
2½ cups water
1 tomato, chopped
¼ butternut, seeded and sliced into 1cm pieces
2 handfuls spinach leaves, washed

1 tbsp oil
1tsp mustard seeds
½ tsp each cumin seeds and coriander seeds, lightly crushed
¼ tsp chilli flakes
1 heaped tsp each minced garlic and minced ginger
1 small onion, chopped
¼ cup fresh coriander, chopped
sea salt to taste
basmati rice
papadums, naan bread, yoghurt or raita to serve (optional)

1. Place the lentils, turmeric, salt and water in a medium-sized pot and bring to the boil.

2. Stir in half the tomato and all the butternut, cover and cook on medium-low for about half an hour or until cooked. Stir in the spinach.

3. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a large, deep pan and add the spices (mustard seeds, cumin, coriander and chilli). When the mustard seeds start to pop, stir in the garlic, ginger and onion.

4. Stirfry for a few minutes until the onions are cooked. Add a bit of sea salt if desired, plus half the chopped coriander. Pour the cooked vegetable mixture into the pan with the onions and combine. Serve with rice and top with tomato and coriander, plus any side dishes you fancy. Serves 3 - 4.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

High Blood Pressure: Find Out How you can manage it!

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a condition that places huge amounts of strain on your heart. If high blood pressure is not managed, it can lead to heart attacks, strokes, aneurisms and shortened life expectancy. It is therefore extremely important that it is managed. One way to do this is by changing your dietary habits.

People who are overweight are at a higher risk and more prone to developing high blood pressure. In fact, two thirds of cases of high blood pressure develops as a direct result of obesity! One of the main reasons why weight should be carefully managed. Trying to maintain a normal Body Mass Index (BMI) of 19kg/m² - 24.9kg/m² is critical.

One’s dietary choices play an important role in helping to maintain a healthy weight, so be sure to choose foods that are low in total fat and saturated fat. Remove the skin from the chicken prior to cooking, use margarine instead of butter and low fat dressings and sauces. Plenty of fruit and vegetables should be consumed every day. This will help keep high blood pressure at bay.

Another risk factor for developing hypertension includes sodium sensitivity. In some cases, reducing the sodium intake has been effective in managing the condition. If you have used salt in your food during cooking, avoid using it once it’s served. Takeaways, ready meals, soups, sauces, stock cubes, crisps and biltong are very high in sodium. The dietary guideline for sodium is 2 400mg per day which is just over 1 teaspoon of table salt.

Try to avoid smoking and alcohol intake. 30 Minutes of exercise, three times a week will definitely improve overall wellbeing.