Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Vanity or Essence of Teeth Whitening

Teeth of a model.Image via Wikipedia

No one is perfect. We just get all too superficial at times, it happens to everyone. We are not above the occasional need to ridicule and judge especially in an unsolicited manner. Some if not most of us would always carry this pet peeve about certain facial features about people. One of which is the teeth.

Just looking at those teeth whitening commercials where at first they have the model having yellowish teeth and feeling a little short on confidence, being shy and generally not wanting to participate in group conversations even. After trying the teeth whitening product, it just shows them smiling brightly the whole time, having guts that they didn't have before and overall just feeling good about themselves. Of course, those ads are exaggerated (as they always are in my opinion) but they are true nonetheless. People do care if you have whiter teeth!

People do have that tendency of associating their first impressions on you just by looking at's the kicker...appearance. The most prominent part about your appearance happens to be your face, and looking at your face, the easiest thing for them to see and observe right off the bat, is how exactly you present your smile. That's sort of like a unique imprint almost that we each possess and a part of that smile of course, is your teeth. You see, our teeth can sometimes be character defining.

Now how do you handle that? Look for options on teeth whitening. The 2 major methods of teeth whitening are In-office whitening and at-home whitening. There are subcategories as well as alternative methods of course and getting information on as many of these options as you can first before you do any action is a really good idea. But before that, it's probably even a better idea and a high time that we think about the different causes of teeth staining as well as ways of preventing it. Since we are very into the idea of getting our teeth whitened at this point, we're most likely at the mindset of really wanting to keep it that way as well.

In today's society, people are really inclined to think that having stained teeth automatically equates to having poor oral hygiene and this, in turn, translates into the need for us to whiten our teeth in the first place so that we will not be seen as 'having poor oral hygiene'. Now this is definitely a factor but hardly the only one. We need to consider other things as causes for this like the type of food that we eat and drink, whether we smoke (relatively big contributor), medicine and naturally, aging which even varies genetically in rapidity.

For the most part, it's not something that we can avoid happening by nature. But we can certainly avoid it by doing something about it ourselves. Again, going back to methods of whitening teeth, it's raged on as a very effective way of looking good for centuries now back to it's roots of the simple use of baking soda. And nowadays with the advent of teeth whitening strips, it's never been as 'on the go'! Getting your teeth whitened is always gonna be an option and not a must. Now this might be regarded by some people as unnecessary and plain useless. But remember that this is an option and it only seeks to help us feel better and generally more confident in ourselves and our smiles. It might be argues by some as a form of vanity but it certainly is not frivolous.

Getting your teeth whitened certainly has its share of perks to keep up with the potentially indulgent amount of money you'd be spending for it. Most of these will be stemming from your boosted self-confidence around people, friends or new acquaintances alike. One can definitely go through life without having a single teeth whitening session but having the extra sparkling white teeth to carry around with you is a perk more and more people are certainly considering having.

Ultimately, it does depend on you. You can see it as a futile attempt to become noticed by people or become popular or you can see it as an effective way to deal with issues of self-confidence and become more assertive as a result. You can look at it as yet another money-wasting activity that would get you nowhere or you can look at it as an investment to better yourself. You can certainly carry the idea that if you take care of yourself, you can give back to yourself more. As for me, I'd have my teeth whitened any day of the week. In fact, I already did!

If you want to learn more about the teeth whitening options available out there including extensive details for each option, please check out this site:
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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for visiting my blog and for your advice about teeth whiteners. I agree that one must always do some homework before using a product to ensure that it is safe.
