Thursday, January 21, 2010

What To Expect From Cosmetic Surgery

A thoracic surgeon performs a mitral valve rep...Image via Wikipedia
Through recent years cosmetic surgery has become increasingly popular. It is easy to see why cosmetic surgery has become so popular, when done well you can literally turn back the hands of time. It is however important to recognize that there are dangers involved. You must think hard about the possible dangers in comparison to the possible gains that cosmetic surgery offers before deciding whether to continue.

The Highs

With cosmetic surgery people can reshape the areas of their body which they perceive as being unattractive or undesirable. People can use cosmetic surgery to counteract the signs of aging and get a look that is both more vibrant and younger. Many people turn to this type of surgery in order to fix any physical effect of trauma, illness, infection, developmental abnormalities, and heredity.

There are many psychological benefits that result from the improved appearance rendered from cosmetic surgery. These include increased self-esteem, improved sense of self-confidence, and decreased depression. Many people testify to feeling more comfortable in the presence of others once they have undergone cosmetic surgery. Others explain that the surgery assisted them to achieve a look that meets the standard of beauty and vitality of those in higher classes in society.

The Lows

Through recent years cosmetic surgery has become more and more affordable, however it is still a rather expensive affair for most people. Even the smallest procedures will cost a moderate amount of money, when thinking about having a number of procedures to get the desired results the bills will add up and eventually surpass most common incomes.

Also consider that cosmetic surgery is an invasive procedure that seeks to reshape the natural contours of the body. Surgeons must cut, bend, stretch, chisel, poke, and otherwise forcibly manipulate structures of the body into the desired shape in order for the procedure to be a success. This causes undue stress on the body resulting in pain and discomfort, bruising, swelling, and stiffness. The recovery period from cosmetic surgery can be lengthy for some procedures, lasting up to several months. Many procedures, though relatively safe, have the potential for serious complications that may even be permanent in nature. Side-effects such as nerve damage, scarring, infection, and chronic pain may result if a surgery does not go smoothly.

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