Sunday, August 29, 2010

How To Stop Thinning Hair Quickly

Thinning hair is something many men and women have to deal with as they age. There are things that can be done at home to stop or slow down the thinning of hair. Two products, vitamin E and biotin health supplements are known to help hair from falling out. It also aids in the growth of new hair. Plus these two products will make the hair stronger and prevent it from continuing to fall out causing more thinning. Other possible aids are drinking lots of water, ten to twelve glasses every day. Eat leafy-green vegetables and fresh fruits.

When a person drinks lots of water on a daily basis, it takes toxins and other harmful substances and eliminates them from the body. Accumulations of toxins are capable of clogging up the hair follicles. The end result is a lack of strong roots. This is the way to encourage the hair to thin out. You can read these and additional tips about "how to stop thinning hair" in booklets and other guides about the subject. Hair itself is made of proteins and eating protein-rich foods encourages the fast growth of hair. Proteins such as meat, peanut butter and fish assist in restoring hair to a healthy state after it has been exposed to damaging dying or applications of heat, from a hair dryer or curling iron for example.

Men don't often use hair dryers or curling irons, not that there is anything wrong with doing so. Men, as well as women have permanents and dye their hair. When it comes to men though. The high level of testosterone in the body may be related to thinning hair. When it (testosterone) is accumulated in the hair, it results in thinning and eventual loss of hair.
Some of the chemicals added to hair products sold today are responsible for thinning hair and hair loss. The person with these conditions may be wise to switch to herbal-based or organic shampoos and conditioners. This should prevent further clogging of the hair follicles as a result of chemical being deposited in the hair.

Generally, in case of men, the problem of hair thinning is also related to high levels of the hormone testosterone, which reaches hair follicles and gets converted to DTH. This ultimately leads to an excess amount of DTH getting deposited in the hair that causes the hair to thin out and results in hair loss.

Although the result in all patients is thinning of hair, the basic reason behind this could vary from a person to a person. Therefore, while one starts making use of some simple guidelines to ensure healthy living of the hair, it is still recommended to see a medical practitioner to get to the root cause of the problem and know the exact mechanism on how to stop thinning hair.

Looking to find the best advice on How to Stop Thinning Hair, then visit to find the best tips on thinning hair remedies for woman.
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