Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Handling Alzheimer's And Other Diseases

Portrait of old woman sitting by a window.Image via Wikipedia

During the aging process diseases and illness can come about and create a horrible situation for everyone involved. There are many diseases that still do not have a cure such as Alzheimer's that make it even more difficult to deal with.

Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder, caused by a genetic defect that progressively destroys the functions of the brain. Memory, the ability to learn and communicate, and carry out everyday tasks is greatly affected, if not destroyed altogether.

Some warning signs include the loss of memory, difficulty with daily tasks and communicating, disorientation, poor judgment, and mood swings. There is no cure for Alzheimer's disease and it's not contagious, so one of the best things you can do for someone you know with this disease is to be educated.

Because the disease gets so bad, there comes a time that individuals suffering from it have to have constant care. Options for care can include family members or relatives or a home care agency.

There are many options to choose from, a home care agency, a long-term Alzheimer's Care Facility, or yourself. During any stage of Alzheimer's disease, some feel like they're neglecting or betraying their loved one if they don't care for them themselves, but that can lead to serious emotional and financial stress.

That stress affects the caregiver and the loved one. Since taking care of a person with Alzheimer's is so stressful, a home care agency is an organization that can help you find the best person to bring into your home to help, especially as the disease progresses.

Further, a home care agency can provide a large amount of knowledge regarding the illness because they have a well trained staff that is skilled in this particular area. They can act as a support system to you as the illness progresses.

Dealing with diseases such as Alzheimer's can be much easier with the help of others and a home care agency or care facility can provide expert care to loved ones suffering. A long term illness needs long term care so be sure to find the right help.

About the Author:
Mike has done general research on this subject in an effort to assist anyone in their search for understanding. When suffering from dementia, Alzheimer?s or any kind of disease it benefits you to find outside assistance. Senior home care can assist you with your day to day life. You can find a highly regarded home care agency in your local phone book, or on the internet.
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