Saturday, August 28, 2010

Mind Power - How Powerful Is It Really?

page 7 blue bookImage by Trickydame! via Flickr
Your mind power is perhaps the most powerful weapon you have when it comes to combating life. Instead of a weapon it should rather be called the magic wand since your mind power can almost get you anything that you want in your life. Sounds too far fetched, is it? But the truth is that one can achieve any miracle if you can unleash the full potential of your subconscious mind.
Since we were children we have been told that the only way towards success is through backbreaking hard work. But did anybody ever tell us what power our own mind's contain? That if I can control it, I can achieve anything in life? That you only use 10% of your mind's potential?
In the first case, it can be said that the only thing we have ever heard or learnt since childhood is that if you want to make anything out of your life you have to stay up nights and slog in order to achieve it. Nobody ever actually told you that success or for that matter all abundance that you desire in your life or your destiny is only a function of your mind and nothing else. It is your mind power that has the ability to create your destiny the way you want it to be.
The second bad habit that we have developed since childhood is to always worry regarding things that we don't have sufficiently. For example, money, fame, Jewelery, electronics, cars, houses, etc. are some of the things we always crib about while the mere presence of a job, a house, a family and a fully functional body goes unnoticed.
The power of faith is very strong. If you truly believe that something will happen to you, then your mind power will attract the event and cause it to actually happen in your life. For example, if you want to become the departmental head at work and you continuously visualize yourself as the head, charging the vision with your own energy and having full faith in its occurrence from the bottom of your heart, then you will see that it will get manifested in your life in reality.
Moreover always remain positive. Since your future is a product of your own thoughts, having negative thoughts can never result in a good future. The more joy and gratefulness you feel, life will manifest in a way so that these feelings are returned back to you manifold.
Thus, it can be concluded that your mind has tremendous power and potential which you are not aware of, if you direct your attentions, channelize your energies, constantly visualize and affirm in your mind then your mind power will manifest your desires and create your destiny in the way you want it to be.
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