Friday, January 15, 2010

Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy

Many women are prescribed hormone replacement therapy by their doctors, to alleviate symptoms of menopause. However, there are many more hormones in the body than estrogen and progesterone, the two that are ordinarily prescribed. Melatonin, human growth hormone, DHEA, thyroid hormone - these are also important.

Natural hormone replacement therapy includes all the hormones that decrease naturally in the body due to age. In addition to alleviating the symptoms of menopause, this therapy can reduce risk of osteoporosis, aid in the anti-aging process, improve your memory and mood, and create an overall sense of well being.

Bioidentical hormones are the very same as the ones your body produces. Every molecule matches. They are made mostly from plants in a lab, but the body doesn't consider them foreign substances because they are identical. Thus there are no harmful adverse reactions. A doctor should do a thorough examination and tests in a lab, to find out which hormones are in low supply and what amounts need to be prescribed.

Women are most often prescribed the same doses of hormones without regard to individual needs. Commonly prescribed hormones are Premarin and Provera. Premarin is concocted from pregnant mare's urine, and is considered to be a source of estrogen. Provera is a lab manufactured progesterone, but it doesn't have the same make up as natural progesterone. They are not bioidentical to the body's hormones.

It is extremely important to measure the entire hormone panel of an individual, not just female hormones such as estrogen, and tailor a replacement program for the individual to bring all of the body's hormones into balance. Hormones are powerful substances that control multiple functions throughout the body. To little or too much of them is not conducive to long-term emotional, mental or physical health.

One can modify natural hormone dosing to meet individual requirements. In other words, optimize hormone levels for lowest dose to alleviate symptoms but circumvent overdoses. Lab tests to measure hormone levels are necessary, because hormone levels can vary as much as 1500% between individuals.

It is also important to prescribe the hormones on a gradient scale, so the body is not suddenly overwhelmed and has time to get used to them. Testosterone, progesterone, thyroid hormone, estrogen, DHEA, cortisol, melatonin and growth hormone are the minimum that should be used. Lab tests indicate individual needs.

Find a good doctor, and have the lab tests done. If you are already on hormone replacement therapy, but do not have the results you want, now you know why.

Regain your youthful vigor! Find out more at Angel Medical Clinic
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